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Commonly Used Birth Terms

Navigating the terminology of the birth world may be a little confusing so to help you here are some words and definitions of commonly used birth terms.
We birthy people have a tendency to toss out crazy words that leave people looking at us like we have three eyes.  So here is a short guide to help you navigate what the heck we a…

Dear Mommy...

A little thank you note from your new baby.
About a week after birth, 2014 My dearest mommy, I have so much to thank you for already in the short time I have been here. I know this time right after my birth has been ch…

Breastfeeding Superpower

I make milk, what's your superpower? Check out these super cool advantages of breastfeeding you may not know.
I recently did this little quiz to find out my breastfeeding superhero name.  Mine was The Grand High Boobie Train, thank you very much!  Some others were The Amazing Treasure Che…